“AI is not a weekend experiment, it has some of the most inquiring minds behind it and some of the coolest talents.
“The first thing we must do is trust in humanity; the second thing we must do is not think that the problems are only technological issues. Technology will always solve its dilemmas. Technical problems have a limited life, and we will solve them and evolve both the software and the hardware.
“AI challenges us as humanity, and the fact that humanity understands it must be poised to take action to guarantee individuals’ rights and dignity, and to guarantee us superiority over AI in something that is uniquely human: self-awareness.
The future will bring us surprises, but humanity will maintain its authenticity as the beings who are conscious and rational, hegemonic and proactive entities of the world to come. Whether we will retain the dominant role on Earth in the future is not open to question.
“AI will undoubtedly bring about the greatest industrial revolution humanity has ever seen and it is perhaps the most beneficial technology we will see for generations to come. The blame for imprecise or mistaken outcomes that some collectives and corporations attribute to AI is unjustified. Like all technology, tools like AI are basically neutral. Most aberrations from the positive are due poor training and programming of AI or to humans’ malicious uses of AI.
“The future will bring us surprises, but humanity will maintain its authenticity as the beings who are conscious and rational, hegemonic and proactive entities of the world to come. Whether we will retain the dominant role on Earth in the future is not open to question.
“Domination implies a power relationship between entities that can be subjects or agents of action or inaction. We can only speculate or project our expectations or fears regarding AI and our relationship with it. But I believe we will continue to be in command and retain final control of AI.”
This essay was written in November 2023 in reply to the question: Considering likely changes due to the proliferation of AI in individuals’ lives and in social, economic and political systems, how will life have changed by 2040? This and more than 150 additional essay responses are included in the report “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence by 2040”