Blurred ‘truth’ and the erosion of trust are likely to deliver AI’s most significant impact
“By 2040 AI will permeate everything. It is highly likely that it will have passed the Turing test well before 2040. Many aspects of daily life will be easier and…
Thought is no longer generated from solo insights; it is the end product of a shared brain
“By 2040, adjunct intelligence will be everywhere, exercising a dramatic effect on each person’s identity and individual perception. AI’s collective powers and uber-reasoning are arriving as a silent encroaching on…
Such good friends? Digital agents are likely to turn users into unknowing ‘agents of the machine’
“In computer-human interface design, the word ‘agent’ refers to chatbots and other seemingly autonomous entities that act on behalf of the computer in their interactions with us human users. It…
The influence of AI between now and 2040 will be crosscutting and wide-ranging
“By 2040, I expect that we will experience major changes in our daily lives, both visible and invisible, resulting from AI. These changes are likely to be crosscutting, affecting healthcare,…