AI threatens to require society to redefine ‘what it means to be a person’ in the digital realm
“The outcome by 2040 depends a great deal, if not entirely, upon the regulatory framework created around AI. If we just consider the Internet, there have certainly been areas where…
Given AI’s great potential, preventing it from turning into the sorcerer’s apprentice is the primary challenge
“I view this question as depending on what happens to current AI, meaning in practice, to current generative AI. For purposes of this exercise, let’s consider two possible outcomes for…
The questions are, ‘Can humans say “no” to AI, and can AI say “no” to humans?’
“There are two critical uncertainties as we imagine 2040 scenarios: “In other words, can humans say ‘no’ to AI, and can AI say ‘no’ to humans? Note that the existence…
Blurred ‘truth’ and the erosion of trust are likely to deliver AI’s most significant impact
“By 2040 AI will permeate everything. It is highly likely that it will have passed the Turing test well before 2040. Many aspects of daily life will be easier and…
Thought is no longer generated from solo insights; it is the end product of a shared brain
“By 2040, adjunct intelligence will be everywhere, exercising a dramatic effect on each person’s identity and individual perception. AI’s collective powers and uber-reasoning are arriving as a silent encroaching on…
AI is the most-persuasive technology ever, and the most dangerous in greedy human hands
“AI is poised to be the most persuasive technology ever invented, which also makes it the most dangerous in greedy human hands. By 2040, we may decide to let AI…
Evidence-based decision-making will lead to compassionate policies and practices
“Much more will be gained than will be lost due to artificial intelligence in the coming 15 years. It will significantly enhance lives worldwide. Overriding all of the changes will…
People may not even notice the losses they are suffering as the world is infused with AI
“By 2040 it will be increasingly difficult to know whether something that we see or experience has been human-generated. And it may matter less and less to us, as successive…
Agile governance must meet the dynamic challenges of future complex adaptive systems
“Managing and understanding the risks and nonlinearities of future advances will be a critical challenge from now and beyond. “Sophisticated models and agile governance mechanisms will be required to responsibly…
Don’t underestimate the dangers of unintended consequences embraced out of ignorance
“In the next 15 or so years, AI (not AGI) will arguably complement humans by improving the productivity of workers of every kind and by creating new, augmented tasks and…