What will humans become if they lose the agora and the ability to reason with no assistance?
“I have two primary worries. The first concerns the vanishing of the public sphere. By 2040, each individual – thanks to AI apps – is likely to live their own,…
AI is the most-persuasive technology ever, and the most dangerous in greedy human hands
“AI is poised to be the most persuasive technology ever invented, which also makes it the most dangerous in greedy human hands. By 2040, we may decide to let AI…
The AI-fueled transition challenges the way we live and experience everything
“The proliferation of AI in the next 15 years will undoubtedly bring about a transformation characterized by more security but less personal freedom to move, express ourselves, purchase and make…
If people don’t harmonize on AI, the future will not bring out the best in humanity
“The rapid proliferation of AI is likely to create significant changes in individuals’ daily lives and in society’s social, economic and political systems. By 2040, we will see AI-powered technologies…
Who will the AIs work for? Who controls the data they work with?
“We’re at an inflection point as to the ecosystem we build to leverage AI. We have to choose, now, the assumptions we build into agency and rights for individuals interacting…
Humans are being moved out of ‘the loop’; they might land next in the metaverse
“While I hesitate to claim that all of the ideas I share will all be fully realized by 2040, I think at the very least we’ll see significant progress on…
Climate change, housing/refugee and economic inequity crises will play a huge role in 2040
“While AI is exploding now, it is not happening in isolation. Other factors are having a powerful impact on individuals and social systems, namely: “Some would set AI advancements and…
Imagining that AI can replace humans ‘arises not from wrong views about tech, but from wrong views about being human’
“I believe AI has just as much potential to be massively harmful as it has to be massively helpful. It is being rushed to market today in a hurry, in…
AIs should be trained on ‘Lennonism’: All you need is love
“It’s almost impossible to speculate as far out as 2040. Some very science-fiction level scenarios are possible, from utopias to nightmares, but it’s also possible that today’s promising avenues will…
Humans’ scarcity mindset inhibits our willingness to embrace abundance
“I imagine positive, negative and middle-of-the road futures for the year 2040 without predicting whether or which are most likely to occur. Most significant, and a component in all three…