AI systems are being taught to ‘master the game of humans’
“I’d like to explain the concept of sentient AI and the ‘arrival-mind paradox.’ As I look to the year 2040, I believe AI systems will likely become super-intelligent and sentient….
AI threatens to require society to redefine ‘what it means to be a person’ in the digital realm
“The outcome by 2040 depends a great deal, if not entirely, upon the regulatory framework created around AI. If we just consider the Internet, there have certainly been areas where…
There is likely to be an AI-driven war over people’s minds and emotions
“By 2040, for most of the population, AI’s daily influence will appear to be rather benign and quite useful, but the purveyors of AI will invest their efforts toward creating…
Blurred ‘truth’ and the erosion of trust are likely to deliver AI’s most significant impact
“By 2040 AI will permeate everything. It is highly likely that it will have passed the Turing test well before 2040. Many aspects of daily life will be easier and…
What will humans become if they lose the agora and the ability to reason with no assistance?
“I have two primary worries. The first concerns the vanishing of the public sphere. By 2040, each individual – thanks to AI apps – is likely to live their own,…
AI is the most-persuasive technology ever, and the most dangerous in greedy human hands
“AI is poised to be the most persuasive technology ever invented, which also makes it the most dangerous in greedy human hands. By 2040, we may decide to let AI…
The AI-fueled transition challenges the way we live and experience everything
“The proliferation of AI in the next 15 years will undoubtedly bring about a transformation characterized by more security but less personal freedom to move, express ourselves, purchase and make…
People may not even notice the losses they are suffering as the world is infused with AI
“By 2040 it will be increasingly difficult to know whether something that we see or experience has been human-generated. And it may matter less and less to us, as successive…
If we design our institutional ‘operating systems’ correctly we can realize a future of unprecedented progress and well-being
“The AI discourse has been too fixated on a possible impending doomsday due to AI that could spiral out of control. The pressing, tangible challenges just at the threshold of…
It may take an existential threat to knock us off the pedestal of narrow critical thinking on AI
“The best consequence of AI – which has existed in the scientific disciplines for many years but has now migrated to the humanities fields and the general consumer space –…