Should AIs be required to get a ‘driver’s license’ that certifies them as socially competent?
“Let’s confront some big questions about AI in a Q-A-style interview format: “Question: Where does AI begin and where does it end? The answer is that AI will probably have…
‘It is imperative to start questioning AI and big data assumptions, values and biases’
“The power of AI to solve problems and transform life should not erase the need for vision or human insight. The more AI advances, the more I feel that people…
Maybe we should substitute the word ’Enter’ on our keyboards with ’Please,’ just in case…
“We’ve only had a couple of years in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to come to terms with what AI can do for us (or to us). In the…
‘AI’s ubiquity will tempt us to give up ownership, control and responsibility’
“Predicting the future is a tricky business under the best of circumstances and the world in 2023 is pretty far from the best of circumstances. At its core, AI is…
‘We need to allow room for human discretion and struggle,’ important parts of being human
“My biggest concern at the moment is that we are trying to rein in AI before clearly defining its boundaries. “In the spring of 2023 the White House put out…
Will our future resemble the fearful outcome in the E.M. Forster essay ‘The Machine Stops’?
“I am afraid that the negative impact that social media have on people’s ability to directly communicate with each other and on civility in general, will be amplified and accelerated…
It is unlikely that human institutions are ready or willing to properly adapt to this change
“I see no evidence that human institutions anywhere in the world are ready for the change that lies before us, nor do they show any significant capacity to address existential…
Capitalism limits the focus on AI’s long-term impact on people
“The problem with AI has nothing to do with the technology itself. The problem is the people who are financing and deploying it; the imperatives of 21st-century capitalism ensure that…